Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I so love Lindsey! Even though she is driving me crazy!@*+*^%$#@# Twin boys for my first children were nothing to compare to (My sweet adorable girl that I so deserved after having twin boys!) Oh how I was so wrong , but right! I tell everyone she is much harder then the boys. Witch I really think is true! They are almost 20 so I may have forgotten some things .The thing is they always were forgiving and never held a grudge. (MOMMAS BOYS FOREVER!!!)I still love having a little girl! You that have more then one, I bow to you ! There is no way I could handle it! Oh wait I have a new 14 yr old in my life! ( HELP!) : )
OKAY all of you bloggers! I really am getting mad @ this I want to post pics and right about my feelings, but I cant get it to work!!!!!! I so wish I could figure out the computer!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is the new part of our family!

I 'm so blessed to have found such a wonderful man to share my family and to share his! His name is Ted and he really is my dream MAN! His daughter (Sarah) is a great girl and I'm loving having her in our lives and getting to know her! K, I know we are a bunch of scrounges; but sorry Mom this is the true us! No primping before our picture.
OK, everyone keeps telling me to start a blog! So here it is !
(NO LAUGHING) I'm not that good at this stuff.